The BOS24
Artist Profiles
Click on the artist name or image below to access artist details and examples of the work on display at their studios.
You can also filter for a particular type of medium, maker or location.
Please note that some artist’s studio addresses are only published during the event period. If you wish to visit a studio outside the BOS event period, please contact the artist to organise a suitable time.
If you require more information regarding any of the listed artists, please use the Contact link above.

1. Wired for Living

2. Stacey Ballard (Donut Studios)

3. Jude Barowski

4. Neil Bruce

5. Felicity Burman

6. Jenny Carr

7. Robyn Clarke

8. Amber Collet

9. Penelope Collet

10. Jill Reid Connors

11. Darren Crothers

12. Alexander Day

13. Mr Dimples

14. Chris Duffy (Ha Ho Art)

15. Roz Effenberg

16. Yvonne George
17. Leanne Grylls

18. Neil Gude

19. Sarah Hansford

20. Laura Hardie

21. Sharon Hocking

22. Rhayven Jane

23. Terry Jarvis

24. Richard Kloester

25. Milton Long

26. Kim Lowe (2inspire)

27. Boben Mammen

28. Libby Noblet

29. Frankie O

30. Sally Poltrock

31. Cut + Paste Festival

32. Sarah the Painter

33. Andre Sardone

34. Gail Tavener

35. Alicia Thomas

36. Sarah Wallace-Smith

Jenny Carrington

Gail Casey

Paul Casey

Shaun Clarke

Dan Cox

Nacho Station

Christian Holm

Meg Holmes

Fiona O'Neill

Bridie O'Toole

Deirdre Outhred

Lauren Starr

Isabelle Kawai Vincent

Pamela Vine
Kristen Beever

Kerry Brown

Julie Andrews
Victoria Anderson

Sylvia Hewitt

Sandra Hosking

Georgia Laughton

Adam Staples